Kemiri Candlenut Benefits For Health

Budiarto 12:02 AM

Kemiri is one kind of nuts. Kemiri is often equated with candle nut . The pecan crusted hard and usually taken for the meat. Kemiri textured hard but still easily destroyed. Kemiri is one of the main ingredients of cuisine. Kemiri is widely used for Asian cuisine, local cuisine, to western cuisine. Kemiri has a sweet taste. Kemiri white with blackish brown hard shell. Kemiri is also a grain that can be halved. Kemiri round and are usually sold in the form of criticism. Kemiri is marketed in the form of a kilogram or already packed in plastic. Kemiri has many benefits that are good for the body. Kemiri has become a major commodity in Indonesia and are produced in various regions in the archipelago.

Kemiri is used for various things. Kemiri have high levels of phosphorus and calcium which is quite high as well. Benefits famous pecan is to cultivate and hair melebatkan be made by oil. Kemiri is also used to treat canker sores and relieve pain due to toothache . In addition, hazelnut can be used for medicinal diarrhea .
The use of hazelnut to serve dishes to thicken the gravy. Kemiri can make clear broth becomes cloudy and thick. The use of hazelnut to thicken the gravy is usually used for soup, rawon, and so forth. In addition, the pecan is also commonly used to make the seasoning stick to the food ingredients, for example spices Balado to be attached to the chicken.

Know the Benefits and How to Make Pecan Oil

Kemiri is one of many plants whose seeds are used for multiple purposes. In addition to spices and traditional medicines, seeds pecan widely used as an ingredient to make hazelnut oil. How to make hazelnut oil is also quite easy because it can be done in the traditional way.

Kemiri itself known by various names in Indonesia, such as in the area muncang Sunda, dèrèkan and pidekan in Java, kembiri in Batak, and much more. Well before discussing more about how making walnut oil, let us know in advance some of the benefits of hazelnut oil.

Pecan Oil Benefits

Hazelnut oil has countless benefits for our hair. Arguably the efficacy of hazelnut oil is not much different from the cosmetic hair health are many on the market today. Here are some of the benefits you'll get from walnut oil:

black hair
The main benefit that you will get when using hazelnut oil is black hair. In addition to black, your hair will also be increasingly shine that look beautiful and elegant. These properties can be felt by the different hair type, be it straight, wavy, curly, and others.

prevent hair loss
If you have hair loss problems and easily broken, then the hazelnut oil can be a solution. Kemiri contains protein and minerals are also high enough so that it can strengthen the hair roots. If the hair root is strong, it will not happen again excessive hair loss.

Accelerate hair growth
The amount of hair loss sometimes makes hair look thin and there is even a little bald in some parts of the head. Well, it turns hazelnut oil also can accelerate the growth of the hair so that it will cover a bald area because of the loss.

Making hair thicker
After a loss problems disappear and the bald area as a result of the loss of hair has grown back, then the next effect is that you will get thicker hair. In addition to thick, hair will also be more robust and not easily broken.

prevent gray hair
Onset of gray hair is common for people who are elderly. But if it happens at the age of just easy it would ruin the appearance. Therefore, hazelnut oil is also useful to blacken the hair has changed, and prevent it from coming back.

How to Make Pecan Oil

how to make hazelnut oil

After knowing the various advantages, you become more eager to quickly make it right? How to make hazelnut oil is not difficult because it is done with the traditional process. In addition, material of manufacture is also very easy to obtain in the usual stalls. Let's look at the steps below.


250 grams of seed hazelnut or adjust the oil to be gained
Making process:

Puree beans hazelnut
First wash the pecan seed to clean and trim, but do not get too smooth. You can grind in two ways, namely pulverized directly or by using a blender. If you're pounding it directly, then tumbuklah until slightly smooth and easy to be filtered.

Whereas if you grind in a blender, then Mix some of the hazelnut seeds with enough water. Remember, do you blend the hazelnut seeds until smooth like liquid. Quite a blender until coarse texture alone.

strain the coconut milk
After getting a smooth hazelnut belender outcome or impact, now is the time we filter them. The trick, the delicate hazelnut Mix with water and then wring it until it came out the coconut milk. The process is similar to extortion when we squeeze coconut milk.

If we grind or shove too smooth, then we can blackmail him with a cloth. Once squeezed, strain the milk from being mixed with coconut milk when boiled in the next process.

Simmer until becoming oil
After getting a clean pecan coconut milk, then the next step is to cook it. Masukanlah the pecan coconut milk to the pan and allow it to boil. During this process, stir-stir the coconut pecan evaporation process berlajan perfect order.

The evaporation process will take quite a long time so you have to be patient enough to wait for him. Continue stirring until the water evaporated milk hazelnut and leaving the oil alone. Hazelnut oil that is so typically appear on the crust of the oil is dark brown.

Squeeze and insert it into the bottle



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