kaempferia galanga Kencur Benefit For Health

Budiarto 6:20 AM

Kaempferia galanga, commonly known as kencur, aromatic ginger, sand ginger, cutcherry, or resurrection lily, is a monocotyledonous plant in the ginger family, and one of four plants called galangal. It is found primarily in open areas in Indonesia, southern China, Taiwan, Cambodia, and India, but is also widely cultivated throughout Southeast Asia.

Many Indonesian believe that kencur very good for health and use it as the main ingredient for herbal rice kencur. In the discussion this time will be given some benefit of kencur to health. Moreover, here also describes the content of what is in kencur and ways in which you can benefit from this kencur.

benefits Kencur

The following will be given some benefits for health kencur proven and will also explain how to cultivate kencur in order to get the benefits:

Treating colds
The content in this kencur spice can help remove excess wind in the body and cause colds. To make herbal colds from kencur quite easily, which one segment of kencur shredded and mixed with salt and give a little warm water. A mixture of salt water and kencur be drunk every day or twice a day until colds can be treated.

clean the blood
Powder is also believed to help cleanse the blood in the body are dirty. To clean the blood in the body is very easy to use kencur 4 kencur rhizome boiled together with 2 cloves of dry beans, fennel taste, and 2 bay leaves trengguli. Water is needed to make traditional medicine with kencur blood clearance is 1 liter, bring to the boil and stayed half the water. This water is filtered and taken regularly twice a day.

drug dislocate
Powder can also be helpful in treating muscle sprains, way is by mixing rice and kencur. Benefits of rice kencur for this sprains you can get by mashing these two ingredients and apply on the sprained limb. Allow to dry and with a mild massage.

Cough medicine
Powder that has been shredded and mixed with warm water can also be used as a cough medicine for children. Cough in children should be treated immediately one of them is with kencur. Kencur water can be added with a little salt and then filtered so that no waste and drinking from a child once a day until the cough cured.

Diarrhea and abdominal pain
Kencur spices can also be used as an upset stomach and diarrhea. There are two ways to treat abdominal pain and diarrhea by using kencur. The first way is by mixing kencur smoothed with two tablespoons of warm water and give a little salt. Strain this potion and water is taken 2 times a day. The second way is to soften the shallots kencur and then wrap with banana leaves and baked until slightly charred. Apply this mixture on abdomen to relieve abdominal pain and diarrhea.

Drug gastroenteritis
Powder is very good for the health of the stomach, one of which can be used to relieve inflammation in the stomach. Take two rhizome kencur then peeled and chewed to remove the water and dregs kencur that are not able to water i throw it.

Still in doubt for the herbal medicine made from kencur? Many kencur not benefit from this, no doubt this kencur is one herb that is rich in benefits for minerals and vitamins in it. Not wrong if our ancestors always utilize ingredients and spices for seasoning and traditional medicine. As a spice kencur very easy to get, you can plant it in the garden of the family home as a medicinal plant.



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