Daun Salam Bay Leaf Benefit For Health

Budiarto 6:24 AM

Salam is a plant that grows in the yard or garden. Its usefulness has been known from ancient times as a spice in cooking that is typical Indonesia. While the benefits to the health of the bay leaf also has many proven through research official and independent .

The content of nutrients and non-nutritional substances called phytonutrients are major contributors to drug efficacy bay leaf gout, diabetes, cholesterol, high blood pressure to help you lose weight.

Efficacy leaf spice this one can be used as medicine for diarrhea, abdominal pain, cholesterol, acute ulcer until made traditional toothpaste. So, a proven and tested regards utilization of plant leaves are not limited cooking only.

Benefits of bay leaf preparations to treat diseases

For those of you who like to cook, the benefits of dried bay leaves to flavor the food is not in doubt. However, do you know if the type of wild bay leaves have a bitter taste and smell less sweet?

The content of leaves were full of health benefits
The essential oil contains eugenol and methyl kavikol
Extract ethanol as an anti-fungal and anti-bacterial
The methanol extract as an anti-worm
Bay leaf chemical constituents include flavonoids , tannins and oils essential
Vitamin B complex and vitamin C is useful as lowering uric acid levels

How to choose a bay leaf to be processed as traditional medicine
Select the leaves are wide, bright green color and fresh look.
For dry leaves, choose which is not easily broken and not perforated.

10 Efficacy And Leaves Salam For Health Benefits
Scent dishes
Combine fresh or dried leaves into dishes such as meat, fish, rice or vegetables that cooking smells more fragrant. The content of natural substances in it is also beneficial to maintain health by increasing endurance. So, do not hesitate to include a greeting on your dishes.
Make a clean white teeth
Toothpaste traditionally made from herbal ingredients proven to whiten teeth yellow naturally and safely. Drying the bay leaf and orange peel until dry. Puree with ground water and mix the two together. Mix well to form a paste such as toothpaste. Feel the efficacy of dried bay leaves to whiten teeth naturally through refined traditional toothpaste.
the benefits of dried bay leaves
Dried bay leaf usefulness not only as a food seasoning
Lowering cholesterol and diabetes
Provide 10-15 leaves are still fresh, dry briefly and then boiled in 3 cups water until the remaining 1 cup only. After the cold and filtered water decoction of the leaves and drink well at night. Do it regularly so that cholesterol and diabetes speedy recovery.
Benefits of bay leaf to diet
For those of you who have a problem of excess weight, diet concoction of leaves you can try to lose excess weight. Wash 20-30 leaves and then boiled together 4 cups of water. After remaining 2 cups, lift and wait for it to cool. Drink 2 times a day morning and evening each 1 cup in order to lose weight naturally.
Treating diabetes
Boil 7-15 leaves with 3 cups of water until the remaining 1 cup only. Strain and wait for it to cool and then drink well before. Do it twice a day so that the properties of leaves is absorbed by the body.
Lowering blood pressure
Provide 7-10 leaves are still fresh, boiled together with 3 cups of water until the remaining 1 cup. Once cool, strain then drink a decoction of leaves a day two times each half a glass.
Herbal tea leaves boiled water
Illustration of boiled water into a herbal tea leaves
Treating acute ulcer
For those who suffer from ulcers, bay leaf benefits can be a natural cure the disease. Rinse 15-20 fresh leaves. Boil ½ liter of water to boil for 15 minutes. Add palm sugar (sugar) to taste. After a cold boiled water, drink the water as a herbal tea. Do it every day until the pain disappeared and a full stomach.
Overcoming hangover
utilities plant greeting this one does not take advantage of the leaves, but the fruit. Wash a handful of laurel cook, mash and squeeze the juice. Strain the juice of laurel and then drank to get drunk quickly lost due to alcohol.
Treating diarrhea naturally
Besides using guava fruit that is still young, bay leaves can also be used to treat diarrhea. Provide 15 fresh bay leaves. Boil two cups of water to a boil. Add a little salt and wait until cool. Drinking water is at once so that diarrhea recover quickly.

10. Leaves Benefits Regards To Uric Acid

Provide 10 bay leaves dry or drying the leaves are still fresh in the sun. Make sure there is no dirt on the surface before the process into traditional medicine.

Boiling the leaves for gout should wear a pan, kettle, or cauldron. Boil 10 cups water wearing a medium heat, then reduce the heat after boiling. Enter the 10 dried bay leaves and boil again until the water remaining 7 cups only.

bay leaf boiled water for gout
Dried bay leaves that have been boiled with boiling water

In order for traditional medicinal herbs, bay leaves can effectively reduce levels of uric acid in the blood , drinking regularly 1-2 times a day. Keep boiled water in a sealed container that is airtight so the properties could last for 2-3 days. On the next day, boiled (panasi) a minute before drinking.

Avoid foods high in substances purines like sardines, seafood (clams, squid, shrimp), poultry (ducks, geese, birds), organ meats (liver, gizzard, intestine, brain, lung, etc.), meat extracts (broths instant) , and the type of food made with additional materials such as fermented yeast, brem, donuts, breads, and a variety of other fermented foods.

In order for the presentation leaves as an herbal medicine is more attractive and tempting, we present the selection of juice recipes are certainly tasty and nutritious.



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