Lengkuas / Alpinia Galanga Benefit For Health

Budiarto 6:40 AM

Lengkuas / Laos (Alpinia galanga) is a type of plant tubers that can live in the highlands and lowlands. Generally, people use it as a mixture of spices and traditional medicine. Galangal texture is similar to ginger but bright reddish color of his skin and the flesh rather hard if it is cut. Ordinary dikeprak before being used in cooking.

Galangal is one of the herbs are easy to find in Indonesia. In a scientific study, ginger was known by the Latin name Alpinna Galanga. If it is based on physical characteristics, galangal similar to ginger and turmeric. Nevertheless, we can easily distinguish them by inhaling the smell. Galangal thrives in tropical areas like Indonesia. Therefore do not be surprised if mothers like planted in the house. Besides its use as a spice in cooking, galangal turns benefits for human health are also quite diverse.

Part of the plant galangal is used is the rhizome. At the root of this rhizome, concealed a number of important compounds of essential oils consisting of galangol, methyl-cinnamae, galangin and sineol. Other compounds are camphor, seskuiterpen, kadien, resin, heksabidrokadalen hydrate, starch and many others. The complexity of compounds stored in galangal rhizome is make it as one of the herbal drug that is widely used by the public.

The efficacy and benefits of ginger for health, among others:
Galangal is able to prevent and treat tumors. Disasetat transkoniferil compounds in ginger are known to inhibit the action of the enzyme xanthin which is one of the triggers tumor.
Galangal is anti-inflammatory, so he is a potent anti-inflammatory. This galangal benefits related content galangin, and karioferidanya.
Galangal could cure rheumatoid arthritis.
Galangal can relieve discomfort from injuries gelaja less present in the stomach.
If you seasick, chew ginger and your problem will be resolved.
By using ginger in your cooking, indirectly you have been consuming natural remedy for blood circulation and prevent free radicals from within.
Other benefits galangal relieve diarrhea. Quite a few chew galangal, diarrhea will disappear in some time.
Galangal can cure rheumatism and sore lymph.

If you are careful, sometimes in appetite enhancer products are always included galangal or Alpinna galanga as a raw material. Indeed, one of the benefits of ginger is to help stimulate the appetite. So if a child or other family member has a condition poor appetite, it could not hurt to mix ginger into hot drinks for them.



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