coriander seeds health benefits

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Coriander plants, spices like pepper or pepper which has a Latin name Coriandrum sativum, see complete article below:

picture coriander plant
Photo 1: Plant Coriander

The stem is not woody, grooved and perforated cross-section, dichotomous branching, rod if bruised smell fragrant.

leaves are green with jagged edges. the leaves are compound, pinnate, tiered umbrella shaped leaves and edges are white and pink.

Interest umbrella-shaped compound, 2-10 cm flower stalks, leaves a small bandage.
Corolla pink or pale red, flowers 3-4 mm long, some fall flowers that have bloomed.

The fruit is round and green when it is dark brown, 4-5 mm long pieces, When ripe, the fruit is threshed

Photo 2: Plant Coriander
These plants include annuals kind of bush-shaped herb / herbs, with a height of up to 100 cm. Typically, these plants are grown in gardens lowlands and mountains, this plant is widely available in the Mediterranean, while in Indonesia grows in mountainous areas.
Coriandrum sativum
Photo 3: Plant Coriander
Named cilantro coriander leaves, fresh coriander, Chinese parsley, or (in North America) cilantro. The leaves have a different flavor to the beans, with a sort of citrus flavor. However, some people merasainya like soap uncomfortable, smelly and avoid eating these leaves.
coriander pictures

Coriander (Coriandrum sativum) is a plant spices popular. Small fruit that is dried and traded, either crushed or not. Forms that are not similar to the crushed pepper, like a small grain diameter 1-2 mm. In the drug trade he called fructus coriandri. In English known as coriander and in Latin America known as cilantro. This plant comes from Southern Europe and around the Caspian Sea.
Various types of traditional Indonesian dishes often use herbs in seed flavored hard granules called coriander. With the addition of these spices, the aroma of cooking will be more real.

Not only the seeds are often used in cooking. The leaves are compound like celery are often thinly sliced and used as a topping in dishes such as soups and salads typical of Thailand. In that country, coriander named phak chee. Same with seeds, coriander leaves too pungent.

How to Farming Coriander
plant propagation is done by biji.benih selected from healthy seeds and cook.
tillage is done with mengcangkul 2 times as deep as 25-30 cm, weeds cleared, land and diratakan.Di digemburkan perimeter of the land to be planted created channels - drainase.Benih plated on 2.5 cm deep groove with a spacing of 10-15 days. The distance between the grooves 35-100 cm.
The seeds will grow after 10-15 hari.Setelah quite large, dibumbun plants and weeded some kali.Tanaman start flowering, the formation of the fruit, and harvest, requires sunny weather so that the fruit is not quickly busuk.Pada dry season when the ground is kept moist with irrigate the plants.

Cilantro Harvest
Crops are harvested when yellow brown, ie at the age of 3-3.5 months of time tanam.Panen done by cutting or pulling out the plant then the plant by the belt and dried for 1 week or lebih.Biji released from the fruit and dried again until dry.


Coriander Contains some chemical composition: sabinene, myrcene, a-terpinene, ocimene, linalool, geraniol, dekanal, desilaldehida, trantridecen, petroselinat acid, acid oktadasenat, D-mannite, scopoletin, p-simena, kamfena, and felandren.

Coriander contains an energy of 404 kilocalories, 14.1 grams protein, 54.2 grams carbohydrates, 16.1 grams fat, 630 milligrams of calcium, phosphorus 370 milligrams and 18 milligrams of iron.

Also in Coriander is also contained as much as 1570 IU of vitamin A, vitamin B1 and 0.2 milligrams of vitamin C 0 milligrams. The results obtained from conducted a study of 100 grams of coriander, the amount that can be eaten as much as 100%.

The fruit contains essential oils, koriandrol, alfapinen, betapinen, simen, terpinen, borneol, geraniol, and fat.


Besides the benefits of coriander as a spice in cooking, coriander is also used as a therapy pengobata, usually used facilitating digestion, laxative fart (carminative), laxative ASI (lactago), and appetite enhancer (stomachica).
Usefulness is not limited to facilitating digestion alone. Coriander is also useful to relieve dizziness, vomiting, influenza, hemorrhoids, stomach ulcers and inflammation of the breast, measles, colds, high blood pressure, and impotence.

The following is a complete description associated with the properties of coriander
Coriander for lowering cholesterol
Coriander contains a number of compounds of acid, linoleic acid, oleic acid, palmitic acid, stearic acid, and ascorbic acid. These compounds are known to be effective in lowering cholesterol levels in the blood and may be able to reduce cholesterol deposits in the walls of arteries and veins.

Coriander overcome anemia
Iron content in coriander can help overcome anemia.

Helps the digestive system
Ingredients coriander essential oils can help the process of secretion of enzymes and digestive juices in the stomach, stimulates digestion by increasing the peristaltic movements in the digestive tract, and to overcome anorexia.

Soothe swollen
Cineole, one of the 11 components of essential oils and linoleic acid found in coriander, has antirheumatic properties and anti-artriti. Thus, coriander can be used to treat rheumatism and swelling caused by arthritis.

Overcome diarrhea
Components borneol and linalool in coriander helps digestion, improve liver function and help the binding process faecal mass in the intestine. Other components such as cineol, limonene, alpha-pinene and beta-phelandrene antibacterial activity so efficacious in treating diarrhea caused by bacteria.

Protect liver
Coriander can overcome inflammation, seizures, expectorant, protect the liver, anti-carcinogenic, anti-anticonvulsants, antihistamines, and hypnotics. In addition, coriander can also act as a natural aphrodisiac when combined with other herbal plants

Lowering blood sugar levels in people with diabetes
Inside there is a substance called coriander cumin, cumin where stimulation of substances will increase insulin seksresi of the pankreas.proses this will change sugar into glycogen which will be utilized by the body, it will give a positive effect on sugar levels drop blood back to normal.

Overcoming various skin disorders
Coriander Dapa treat various skin problems that arise in diseases like eczema, dry skin and skin infections caused by fungi.

Keeping cycle and menstrual disorders
coriander can stimulate the secretion of the hormone estrogen from endocrine glands so as to maintain order (cycle) menstruation and other abnormalities that may timbula during menstruation as excessive pain.

Maintaining eye health
vitamins A, C, mineral and phosphorus contained in the essential oil of coriander may help improve eye health, prevent macular degeneration, eyestrain, and coriander discount on the state of anti-infective conjunctivitis.

Anti-inflammatory (anti-inflammatory)
content of cineole and linoleic acids have anti-inflammatory, anti-rheumatic and reduce the swelling that occurs in the joint due to rheumatoid arthritis.

Coriander As Foreign Drugs:
Buddy prepare just about a handful of cilantro and puree, Before use mixed with water Lama. Then wipe the affected area. For use on the face, my friend can add honey or turmeric, use as a mask. This is to clean the face of acne and blackheads.


Scientific classification is how biologists group and categorize species of organisms extinct and living, classification (grouping) is a way to sort and classify living things into a particular class or a particular unit.
The order of classification of living things from the highest level to the lowest (current use) is a Domain (Region), Kingdom (Kingdom), Phylum or phylum (animals) / Divisio (plants), Classis (Class), Order (Nation), familia (Tribe ), Genus (Marga), and species (type).

Objective classification of living things is to make it easier to identify, compare, and the study of living things. Comparing means finding similarities and differences in characteristics or traits in living things.
Here is a table of classification CORIANDER



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