Ginger Water Benefits For Weight Loss - How To Make?

Budiarto 12:56 AM

Ginger is one of the traditional natural ingredients which have many health benefits and one of them is to lose weight and shrink the stomach. In this article, we will explain the best way to use ginger for weight loss and how slim with ginger.

What really ginger can lose weight?

Drinking ginger is intended to supplement the diet weight loss. That means you have to reduce daily fat intake and eating healthy foods such as salads, steamed vegetables and protein, fiber, and drink plenty of water.

If you add a little exercise and drink a cup of ginger after meals, you will reach your ideal weight in five weeks. Here are the benefits of ginger for weight loss:

1. Digestion

One of the benefits of ginger is most important for weight loss is that it helps the digestive system work better. Why? Because ginger contains two digestive enzymes that can help drive stomach movement, small and large intestine.

Protease enzyme that functions to break down protein. Lipase functions to break down fat. Both of these enzymes help your body digest and absorb food.

2. Speed up Metabolism

Ginger is one of the most effective traditional ingredients to help you lose weight because it has thermogenic properties. With these properties, ginger can increase body temperature and helps increase metabolism to burn more fat.

3. Makes you feel fuller

Ginger is a natural appetite suppressant that when taken after meals can help you reduce the desire to snack. If you feel fuller, you will not be tempted to snack after dinner.

4. Ginger is a powerful antioxidant

Ginger is rich in antioxidants that can help your body get rid of toxins that cause inflammation and disease. Your organs will function better so that it can burn fat more easily.

Ginger tea recipe for weight loss


  • 1 Cup of water (200 ml)
  • 30 Grams of ginger (cut width of your finger)
  • ½  Lemon
  • 1 Table Spoon Of Honey


First, you have to heat a cup of water in a kettle or teapot made from copper or clay. Usually, teapot made of aluminum or metal can not protect the medicinal properties of certain plants, so if possible you should avoid using a pot of these materials.

Add the ginger into the kettle and boil for 20 minutes. When finished, turn off the heat and let stand for 10 minutes. Pour the tea into your favorite mug and add the juice of half a lemon. Stir and add 1 tablespoon of honey.

When should drink ginger to lose weight?

How do I take ginger to your diet? You can start with two cups a day, drink after lunch and dinner, for 15 days. Do not forget to keep a healthy diet and regular exercise.

When should you avoid taking ginger?

Avoid drinking ginger if you are taking a medicine to treat diabetes or high blood pressure. The drug should not be combined with ginger. In addition, if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, you should also avoid ginger.



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