The benefits of coffee turned out to have a number of nutrient content is good for the body, even claimed to be a fighter true for cancer. Is it true?. Coffee plant seed extract is processed into coffee powder that often we enjoy. Coffee used to be when his friend began the morning. This black-colored drinks, menuguhkan unique taste, no wonder many people are favored beverage. In Indonesia alone, many in certain areas, a coffee beverage into a unique tradition.
It is important to be in the know, the habit of drinking coffee are interspersed cigarettes can be good for health. Some of the benefits of coffee for the body is as follows.
Nutrition On Coffee
Riboflavin (Vitamin B2): 11% of the RDA.
Pantothenic acid (vitamin B5): 6% of the RDA.
Manganese and Potassium: 3% of the RDA.
Magnesium and Niacin (B3): 2% of the RDA.
For Health Benefits of Coffee
Enjoyment cup many admirers, but behind the pleasure of a coffee store a variety of benefits. Here are the benefits of coffee are:
1. Improve stamina
Coffee contains caffeine substances are high. Adenosine in the body works as a cell that causes curiosity to sleep on the brain. Caffeine in coffee affect cell performance and make slower movements. So that makes the feeling fresher longer.
2. Preventing cancer
Antioxidants in coffee helps reduce the risk of cancer symptoms in the body. Research in Japan on a number of women who consumed coffee 2 times a day, the risk of colon cancer decreased by 25%.
3. Coffee maintain oral health
Coffee has antibacterial properties that are good for oral hygiene. This can help the healing of cavities, plaque and gum infections. Of course, a great opportunity to reduce the risk of oral cancer.
4. Reduce the risk of diabetes
Inhibition of the absorption of sugar can be done by consuming coffee. The content of chlorogenic acid substances helping with the performance of this to the increased formation of insulin. Experts have proven diabetes that occurs in a person, can be reduced by 50% thanks to the benefits of coffee.
5. Reduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease and Dementia
Alzheimer's is a disease that mostly attacks older people 65 years and over. Coffee has been proven able to enhance the protection against diseases associated with degradation of nerve function.
6. Prevent Parkinson
In addition to Alzheimer's, Parkinson's disease is one of the most popular cause is degradation of nerve function in the human body. Regular coffee consumption can increase protection against Parkinson's disease.
7. Improve Mood
Many people are unknowingly more passionate and cheerful when drinking coffee. Coffee is one beverage that can improve people's mood, not only that he can provide correlation effects on happiness.
In addition to its benefits for health, coffee is often used as a medium of beauty treatments. Here are a few benefits.
8. Coffee for face masks
The benefits of coffee are widely used for the manufacture of a facial mask at beauty salons. Its use makes the skin taut and remove dead skin cells. Coffee can be used as an anti-microbial creams for facial cleanser
9. Maintenance scalp
According to the research content of caffeine in coffee making as an anti hair loss. Antioxidants play an active role here is to keep the scalp.
10. Skin Refreshing Body
The benefits of coffee to maximize the release of dead skin cells that have an impact on the rejuvenation of the skin, so skin looks healthy and glowing always. Just use a scrub made from coffee for regular skin care.
11. Uses of coffee for pedicure and manicure
Aromaterapik coffee powder to help clean up the black elbows and heels kakai cracked. Besides coffee turned out to also be used to improve skin firmness and body to help keep premature aging.
12. Coffee grounds are excellent for toning the face
Many who have a feel for how the coffee grounds have an important role for beauty. Simply make coffee grounds as a mask, it can increase skin firmness to make it more easily maintained.
In addition to the benefits for the health and beauty, the coffee is also believed to help overcome and a solution to complaints as well as info below.
Coffee can relieve stress and depression
The coffee is the best friend relaxing and working
The coffee effect holiday mood
Coffee as a couple ( "husband / wife"), both
Coffee can be used to treat shortness of breath
Aroma coffee calming effect.
In addition to the above benefits, of coffee should be consumed with a reasonable MAXIMUM 2 GLASS OF 1 DAY For its efficacy can be felt optimally because coffee also has a fairly dangerous side effects.
Coffee Side Effects
Here are some details of the side effects of coffee that you must be alert
Coffee can cause difficulty sleeping, effects of caffeine causes
Coffee can cause the heart to beat faster.
Not fit you eat before or after exercise, because it can be dangerous
Not suitable in excessive consumption of pregnant women.
Forbidden to stomach acid
Prohibited for people with high blood
Prohibited for people with IBD.
The coffee is quite "hot" can cause pain and ulcers tengorokan / heat inside.
Coffee Consumption Tips
Here are tips on coffee consumption
Drinking up to two glasses of 1 day
Avoid drinking at night, should last no more than 4 pm
Do not consume coffee along with durian
Do not consume coffee with too much sugar
Try to drink coffee in <3 hours after the make.
So is the efficacy of coffee for health articles and also its role for a variety of other health problems. I hope this helps.
It is important to be in the know, the habit of drinking coffee are interspersed cigarettes can be good for health. Some of the benefits of coffee for the body is as follows.
Nutrition On Coffee
Riboflavin (Vitamin B2): 11% of the RDA.
Pantothenic acid (vitamin B5): 6% of the RDA.
Manganese and Potassium: 3% of the RDA.
Magnesium and Niacin (B3): 2% of the RDA.
For Health Benefits of Coffee
Enjoyment cup many admirers, but behind the pleasure of a coffee store a variety of benefits. Here are the benefits of coffee are:
1. Improve stamina
Coffee contains caffeine substances are high. Adenosine in the body works as a cell that causes curiosity to sleep on the brain. Caffeine in coffee affect cell performance and make slower movements. So that makes the feeling fresher longer.
2. Preventing cancer
Antioxidants in coffee helps reduce the risk of cancer symptoms in the body. Research in Japan on a number of women who consumed coffee 2 times a day, the risk of colon cancer decreased by 25%.
3. Coffee maintain oral health
Coffee has antibacterial properties that are good for oral hygiene. This can help the healing of cavities, plaque and gum infections. Of course, a great opportunity to reduce the risk of oral cancer.
4. Reduce the risk of diabetes
Inhibition of the absorption of sugar can be done by consuming coffee. The content of chlorogenic acid substances helping with the performance of this to the increased formation of insulin. Experts have proven diabetes that occurs in a person, can be reduced by 50% thanks to the benefits of coffee.
5. Reduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease and Dementia
Alzheimer's is a disease that mostly attacks older people 65 years and over. Coffee has been proven able to enhance the protection against diseases associated with degradation of nerve function.
6. Prevent Parkinson
In addition to Alzheimer's, Parkinson's disease is one of the most popular cause is degradation of nerve function in the human body. Regular coffee consumption can increase protection against Parkinson's disease.
7. Improve Mood
Many people are unknowingly more passionate and cheerful when drinking coffee. Coffee is one beverage that can improve people's mood, not only that he can provide correlation effects on happiness.
Benefits of Coffee For Beauty
In addition to its benefits for health, coffee is often used as a medium of beauty treatments. Here are a few benefits.
8. Coffee for face masks
The benefits of coffee are widely used for the manufacture of a facial mask at beauty salons. Its use makes the skin taut and remove dead skin cells. Coffee can be used as an anti-microbial creams for facial cleanser
9. Maintenance scalp
According to the research content of caffeine in coffee making as an anti hair loss. Antioxidants play an active role here is to keep the scalp.
10. Skin Refreshing Body
The benefits of coffee to maximize the release of dead skin cells that have an impact on the rejuvenation of the skin, so skin looks healthy and glowing always. Just use a scrub made from coffee for regular skin care.
11. Uses of coffee for pedicure and manicure
Aromaterapik coffee powder to help clean up the black elbows and heels kakai cracked. Besides coffee turned out to also be used to improve skin firmness and body to help keep premature aging.
12. Coffee grounds are excellent for toning the face
Many who have a feel for how the coffee grounds have an important role for beauty. Simply make coffee grounds as a mask, it can increase skin firmness to make it more easily maintained.
In addition to the benefits for the health and beauty, the coffee is also believed to help overcome and a solution to complaints as well as info below.
Coffee can relieve stress and depression
The coffee is the best friend relaxing and working
The coffee effect holiday mood
Coffee as a couple ( "husband / wife"), both
Coffee can be used to treat shortness of breath
Aroma coffee calming effect.
In addition to the above benefits, of coffee should be consumed with a reasonable MAXIMUM 2 GLASS OF 1 DAY For its efficacy can be felt optimally because coffee also has a fairly dangerous side effects.
Coffee Side Effects
Here are some details of the side effects of coffee that you must be alert
Coffee can cause difficulty sleeping, effects of caffeine causes
Coffee can cause the heart to beat faster.
Not fit you eat before or after exercise, because it can be dangerous
Not suitable in excessive consumption of pregnant women.
Forbidden to stomach acid
Prohibited for people with high blood
Prohibited for people with IBD.
The coffee is quite "hot" can cause pain and ulcers tengorokan / heat inside.
Coffee Consumption Tips
Here are tips on coffee consumption
Drinking up to two glasses of 1 day
Avoid drinking at night, should last no more than 4 pm
Do not consume coffee along with durian
Do not consume coffee with too much sugar
Try to drink coffee in <3 hours after the make.
So is the efficacy of coffee for health articles and also its role for a variety of other health problems. I hope this helps.
Cupang Mania - 9:27 PM
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