Bambo Shoots Health Benefits

Budiarto 9:49 PM

Bamboo shoots are one of the specialties of Asia. However, there are many people who do not like this food, probably because of the aroma and texture that is quite unique. Though bamboo shoots offer many great benefits for health.

Shoots For Health Benefits

Some of the benefits to be gained if we eat bamboo shoots are as follows:

Losing weight
Shoots can help you lose weight . This is thanks to the low calorie content. In addition, bamboo shoots also contain fiber so high that will make the stomach there satiety when consumed.

Lowering cholesterol
in every 100 gram portions, bamboo shoots containing sugar by 2.5 grams. Meanwhile, the content of unsaturated fat and saturated fat around 0.49 grams. Both of these make the bamboo shoots into the food that can help reduce cholesterol levels and blood nourish the heart.

Boost the immune system
Rebung also contains many vitamins such as vitamin A, vitamin E, vitamin B6, folic acid, thiamine, riboflavin, and niacin. Shoots also contains important minerals such as iron, manganese, copper, potassium, phosphorus, sodium, zinc, magnesium, and calcium. All these nutrients are essential to boost the immune system.

Respiratory problems
Shoots contains amino acids and a good source of protein. This makes bamboo shoots have the potential to overcome breathing problems such as colds, coughs, or nasal congestion.

Healthy digestion
Shoots can help treat digestive problems such as diarrhea and gastroenteritis. In addition, bamboo shoots can also be used as a drug to treat intestinal worms.

Fight cancer
Shoots containing phytosterol such as flavone, amilasi, and chlorophyll that help fight cancer.

Lowering blood pressure
high content of potassium in it, make the shoots become one of the foods that can help lower blood pressure and keeping it normal. Consuming bamboo shoots are also associated with decreased depression, mental illness, and anxiety.

Launched a menstrual cycle
If your menstrual cycle is not smooth, try to consume bamboo shoots. This is because bamboo shoots contains natural ingredients that can help facilitate the menstrual cycle and can reduce pain.

Heal ulcers and wounds
Based on recent research, bamboo shoots have anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties that can help speed up the healing process of ulcers and wounds.

Streamlining the process of birth
Shoots including uterotonic such plants could help increase contraction of the uterus so as to expedite the process of birth.



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